



Do we want a color-blind society or one in which we acknowledge our differences? Renowned journalist 和 human rights activist Charlayne Hunter-Gault asked this question of a packed house in Degenstein Center Theater on Jan. 25. The occasion was her keynote address during Susquehanna’s 2016 winter convocation 和 Martin Luther King Jr. 纪念. Within a few weeks of her appearance, the university welcomed home 加勒特·汤普森Baktash Ahadi, 05 for lively 和 thought-provoking interactions with the campus community. 体现了萨斯奎哈纳家族的丰富多样性, they are inspiring a new generation 和 connecting them to the wider world, 就像亨特-高尔特在她的职业生涯中所做的那样.


北半球的春天正如火如荼, where the winter blahs have given way to brighter days 和 a lighter step to our walks. 但对于吉尔森董事会(GB)的“部落”来说,他们这样称呼自己, 温暖的天气标志着哀悼的时刻. Winter is long gone in the Susquehanna River Valley where they make their home, leaving the tribe to “struggle for survival” in a l和 devoid of snow. Or so says the documentary-style “wildlife” video that the snowboard manufacturer created to poke fun at their location.


他们各自出于不同的原因选择了萨斯奎哈纳. 小学校的氛围, an academic track with close guidance for undeclared 学生, an AACSB-accredited business program in the top 5 percent worldwide, 和 a Division III school with a gorgeous campus 和 a great soccer program. It was just an added bonus that by selecting Susquehanna, the four Bolger siblings from Hopatcong, N.J.他们会一起度过大学时光.


去年秋天, Christie Kräcker stepped into a new role leading a new campus life structure that is reimagining the student experience. Susquehanna Currents recently caught up with Kräcker 和 asked her to reflect on her first year at SU.

The managerial aspects of marketing require a surprising amount of innovation. 只要问问学习营销策略与管理的学生就知道了, the capstone course for the newly created marketing major taught by Robert Williams Jr., assistant professor of marketing in the Sigmund Weis School of Business.
Two seniors in the Sigmund Weis School of Business finished in the top 25 in a worldwide investment competition sponsored by ETF Global, placing 浩博体育app among the top 25 universities in the competition.

浩博体育app’s new head strength 和 conditioning coach, 托尼•德克尔, has made a lot of progress since starting the position last fall. 但是德克, the entire athletics department 和 the student-athletes are most excited for what the future holds.

It had been 15 years since the Susquehanna football program accomplished what it did this past fall-that is, 在一个赛季中赢得两场比赛. Not a bad way for first-year head coach Tom Perkovich to start his tenure.
2015-16赛季男篮以一场胜利开场. 然后是另一个. 和另一个. In fact, the season opened with 15 straight wins, marking the best start in program history.
When a small group of Susquehanna 学生 left for what is now an annual Global Opportunities (GO) trip to the Philippines in 2010, they had no way of knowing they would change the trajectory of several young lives.
As part of an ongoing effort to increase dialogue around issues of race 和 identity, Susquehanna brought the interactive Race Experience Kiosk to campus this spring. The kiosk encourages users to reflect on the factors in our society that perpetuate racism 和 discrimination by enabling them to literally see themselves in a different skin. The hope is that users will realize that there is only one race—the human race.
In 2010, Cheryl Stumpf combined her passion for running 和 her commitment to empowering young women to form a small but enthusiastic council of Girls on the Run (GOTR). 一个全国性的非营利组织, GOTR partners with school districts to provide after-school youth development programs, 综合体育活动, 给8到14岁的女孩.
The earthquake that struck Nepal last spring hit close to home for some in the Susquehanna community, 尤其是涅槃塔库尔18年, who was born 和 raised in the country until the age of 13. Even before the earthquake, Thakur knew she wanted to work in Nepal someday. 地震打乱了她的计划.



到现在为止, most of you have heard that I will conclude my service as Susquehanna’s 14th president on June 30, 2017, 在我现在的合同到期时. 这对玛莎和我来说是个苦乐参半的决定. 一方面,我们对即将到来的冒险感到兴奋. 另一方面, 一想到要离开这个特殊的职业,我们就感到痛苦, 我们曾经珍惜和爱过的. We are grateful to the Board of Trustees for creating a continuing connection for us to this place we’ve come to call home, so know that I plan to teach from time to time 和 to assist wherever possible in advancing the university in the years ahead.


11月. 2015年7月,L. Jay Lemons convened the Nickname/Mascot Special Committee (NMSC), following an Oct. 26 decision by the university’s Board of Trustees to accept a recommendation to change the longst和ing Crusaders nickname. 由23人组成,大致反映了校友的情况, 学生, 全体教职员工, NMSC被指控指认的人数不超过3人, 但不少于两个, recommendations for new nicknames capable of generating widespread support by mid-February.