April 17, 2019

“I wholeheartedly will say that the Africana studies program was one of the best decisions I made,” says Genovee Dominguez ’19.

history major, who also minors in philosophy, found that pursuing an Africana studies minor was a perfect fit not only with her other academics but her activism work outside the classroom educating and inspiring youth.

“I have a deep love for many of the classes that are inside of the Africana studies program,” she says, adding that the minor also helped inform her senior research project on identity formation with racial identity.

Two of her favorite classes were Philosophy of Race with Michael Thomas, assistant professor of philosophy, and Plato’s Republic and HBO’s 的 Wire with Coleen Zoller, professor of philosophy and chair of the philosophy department.

“Velocity of Race allowed me to really understand the concepts of philosophy that impacted the way I saw the world,” Dominguez says.

Zoller’s class opened her eyes to how much of the world is interconnected under the study of philosophy, racial theory and history.

“With her class, I was able to truly enjoy learning about complex and interesting theories and awaken myself to the truth of the world,” she says.

Dominguez decided to attend Susquehanna because she felt it was a welcoming environment.

“When I saw the kind faces of the students, I felt I could be encouraged to do the things I dream of doing and accomplish my dreams,” she explains.

After graduation, she intends to work in the diversity and inclusion office at a university before pursuing a Ph.D. and becoming a professor.