Alumni Award Winners 2023

Spring Summer 2024 Issue

Image of Taiisha Swinton-Buck, Alysha Melnyk, Fernando Ramirez, Jennifer Rojeck Barton and President Jonathan Green. L to R: Taiisha Swinton-Buck ’08, Alysha Melnyk ’14, Fernando Ramirez ’82, Jennifer Rojeck ’98 Barton and President Jonathan Green.

FERNANDO RAMIREZ ’82 | Achievement Award

费尔南多有一种企业家精神,他渴望改善地球上所有人的生活. He has founded several consulting firms that focus on energy and water, 旨在提高美国国内外对可持续发展和气候变化的认识和理解.

Early in his career, Fernando曾在Azavea能源部门担任多个行政职务, EnerNOC, Phoenix Energy Technologies, Silicon Energy and Energy Concepts. 2010年,Fernando成为SCIenergy Inc .国际业务发展副总裁.,负责整个欧洲和亚洲的国际业务发展和扩张. In 2020, Fernando joined Netherlandsbased Hydraloop as its managing director, 领导公司在北美扩展创新的分散式水循环产品.

In 2021, Fernando founded Bridges 2030 International, 一个发展中的全球非营利组织,其使命是支持弱势和被迫流离失所的公民. Additionally, “桥梁2030”旨在教育和增强大学生——下一代变革者——关于全球挑战和他们可以产生影响的方式的能力. 该组织目前的项目包括支持乌克兰危机和协助在费城重新安置的乌克兰公民. Read more about this project in this issue’s article A Tale of Two Visionaries.


TAIISHA SWINTON-BUCK ’08 | Leadership Award

Taiisha是巴尔的摩市公立学校教学领导的执行董事, 他曾担任该地区数字港高中的校长. 她在2021年被马里兰州中学校长协会评为年度最佳校长,因为她成功地与学生建立了联系, 在校园里以身作则,在出勤率上创造了创纪录的影响, grade averages and graduation rates. 这些结果也激发了《浩博体育app》的阿尔·洛克在一个电视片段中讲述她的故事. 她成为美国全国广播公司“一生一次的校长”和“年度全国校长”提名者.

During Taiisha’s time at Susquehanna, 她是推动大学包容性努力的坚定倡导者, equity and justice. 她是Sigma Gamma Rho的Rho Theta分会的创始主席, 这是一个历史上的非裔美国人联谊会,也是浩博体育app第一个黑人希腊字母组织. 她还是2008届和黑人学生会的主席.

泰莎毕业于浩博体育app,获得英语中等教育学位. 她获得了教育管理与监督硕士学位和教育领导与管理博士学位, both from Drexel University. 

WILLIAM “BILL” SORDONI ’97 | Service Award

For nearly 20 years, 比尔把他的大部分社区活动集中在宾夕法尼亚州东北部的经济和商业发展上. He served four years as board member for Penn’s Northeast, a nonprofit economic development organization. 与此同时,他加入了公共政策研究所的董事会 & Economic Development, a data analysis, research and consulting organization that serves the Wilkes-Barre area. Most recently, 他曾担任大威尔克斯-巴雷商会的董事会成员,包括主席. 他还曾担任Greater Scranton Area Chamber of Commerce的董事会成员.

Bill also has served as board member for Geisinger, the United Way of Wyoming Valley and Susquehanna University. In 2022, 他加入了联邦基金会董事会,并担任怀俄明州神学院预科学校董事会主席. An avid outdoorsman, Bill目前担任Hunters Sharing the Harvest的董事会主席, a statewide venison donation program.

In addition to his community roles, Bill is chair of a fourthgeneration family business, Sordoni Construction, the largest construction firm in Northeast Pennsylvania. He formerly served as its chief executive officer from 2010 to 2023. 比尔毕业于浩博体育app,获得工商管理学位.

JENNIFER ROJECK ’98 BARTON | Service to Susquehanna Award

Upon graduating, Jennifer immediately became an active alumna, 1999年至2012年,长期担任该校校友会成员. Her service on the board included a term as president. 目前,她担任该大学费城校友分会的秘书, a role she’s held since 2012.

Jennifer often returns to campus as a panelist for Break Through, the university’s annual student-alumni networking conference, and volunteers her time with résumé review, mock interviews, job shadowing and other career preparation services.

She is a frequent participant in the university’s Signe S. Gates and Dawn G. 穆勒女性领导力研讨会,并在女性领导力倡议组织的网络旅行中接待了几名女学生. 她还作为西格蒙德·韦斯商学院指导计划的一部分指导学生. 詹妮弗热衷于与其他在商业和技术领域工作的校友交流,并渴望帮助扩大萨斯奎哈纳商学院在这些领域的项目的知名度.

Outside of her time spent volunteering with the university, Jennifer is an associate director for Ernst & Young. She graduated from Susquehanna with a degree in business administration & 并获得了斯克兰顿大学(University of Scranton)相同专业的MBA学位.

ALYSHA MELNYK ’14 | Outstanding Recent Alumna

Alysha is manager of client implementations and onboarding at ECRI, an independent medical nonprofit committed to improving the safety, 全球所有医疗保健机构患者护理的质量和成本效益.

At ECRI, Alysha is actively involved with the organization’s culture committee, serving on its steering committee, 监督员工资源小组,并通过奥德赛指导计划成为同事的导师. She has received three ECRI awards, and in 2023, 她是桑德拉·帕克医疗保健专业女性领导力奖学金的获得者.

As an active and engaged alumna, Alysha often participates in Break Through, the university’s annual student-alumni networking conference, and connects with students in classes and during career fairs. In 2022, she returned to campus for the university’s Signe S. Gates ’71 and Dawn G. Mueller ' 68女性领导力研讨会,并为学生参与者提供了宝贵的网络和职业建议. Alysha花时间积极指导和指导Susquehanna的学生, serving as an S-STEM Student Mentor. 她还担任Sigma Kappa姐妹会Susquehanna分会的志愿奖学金副主席, 最近接受了浩博体育app校友会执行委员会的职位.

艾莉莎毕业于浩博体育app,获得生物学学位,并完成了荣誉课程. 她获得了精益六西格玛绿带认证,目前正在德雷塞尔大学攻读公共卫生硕士学位.

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