
浩博体育app and the 切萨皮克保护 have formalized their ongoing relationship through an agreement that ensures the organizations’ continued cooperation on restoration projects within the Susquehanna River watershed.

“Susquehanna and the Conservancy have enjoyed working closely together in shared space at the 淡水研究所说:“ 马特·威尔逊FRI的主任. “I look forward to deepening and expanding our relationship with them as we pursue our mutual goal of improving the health of the Susquehanna River watershed and ultimately the Chesapeake Bay.”

“I truly believe that the Conservancy’s partnership with the FRI’s staff and students has helped launch a new chapter in Chesapeake Bay restoration efforts,卡莉·迪安说, director of the Conservancy’s 切萨皮克支流倡议. “Rooted in strong partnerships and data-driven decision-making, the Conservancy just launched our 切萨皮克支流倡议 to scale the approach bay-wide, 基于我们在宾州中部的了解.”

Moving forward, Susquehanna and the Conservancy will work together to:

  • Deliver applied research to inform local and state decision-makers while providing professional skill development for the next generation of conservation leaders.
  • 支持恢复, prioritization and research to meet sediment load-reduction goals for the Chesapeake Bay.
  • Integrate Susquehanna students into research to determine the effectiveness of ongoing restoration projects.
  • Provide Susquehanna students with internship opportunities with Conservancy staff in support of Conservancy projects.
  • 实施和维护校园内的修复工程, 利用这些项目为学生提供教学机会, 员工和合作伙伴.

Susquehanna and the Conservancy have collaborated over the years to support research, 教育, environmental remediation and advocacy to improve the ecological health of the regional watershed, as well as the ways this work can be applied to restore the health of other nearby habitats.

过去的六年里, five members of the Conservancy’s staff have been hosted at Susquehanna’s FRI, thanks to seed funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation. 的 pilot program brought together dozens of partners to restore local streams using the Conservancy’s GIS-based precision conservation approach that was tested in the field by Susquehanna’s faculty and students. 在一起, the organizations have scaled the program to six Pennsylvania counties, 与60多个组织建立了伙伴关系, worked with over 75 students on data collection and processing, 有超过50个学生主导的会议报告, 吸引了超过2500万美元的私人投资, 州政府和联邦政府为实施该战略提供资金, with restoration completed or underway on 162 farms along 56 streams.


浩博体育app’s 淡水研究所 is a collaborative that brings together scientists, 教育工作者, conservationists and restoration practitioners with the shared goal of improving the health of the Susquehanna River and its surrounding watersheds. 的 institute strives to provide a supportive and student-centered experience that equips Susquehanna’s undergraduates with the skills, knowledge and professional networks to achieve their personal career goals in the research, 保护及修复河内及河旁生境.


切萨皮克支流倡议 社区驱动的方法是否可衡量, near-term conservation outcomes for local creeks and streams in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. 修复海湾的100,000 small tributaries is key to restoring the Chesapeake as the watershed’s land-to-water ratio is 14:1, the largest of any of any of the large enclosed coastal water bodies in the world. With all of that land draining into very little water by comparison, stringing together high-value projects is the fastest way to see an improvement in fish, 昆虫和野生动物栖息地. 的re is a lot of good work underway — the Tributaries strategy aims to amplify this momentum by boosting coordination and funding to restore streams back to health. 


切萨皮克保护’s mission is to conserve and restore the natural and cultural resources of the Chesapeake Bay watershed for the enjoyment, 教育和激励这一代和子孙后代. We empower the conservation community with access to the latest data and technology. We partnered to help create 206 new public access sites and permanently protect some of the Bay’s special places like Werowocomoco, 黑水国家野生动物保护区, 哈丽特·塔布曼地下铁路国家历史公园, 马洛湾国家海洋保护区, 门罗堡国家纪念碑, Elktonia Beach and Pissacoack along Fones Cliffs on the Rappahannock River.