
2日Lt. 约翰·萨勒诺与他的父亲和继父站在一起. 2nd Lt. 约翰·萨勒诺与他的父亲和继父站在一起.2nd Lt. 约翰·萨勒诺为您报道

约翰·萨莱诺(John Salerno)从小就渴望从军. That dream is about to become a reality with Salerno’s commissioning as a second lieutenant in the U.S. 军队.

蒙茅斯海滩, 新泽西, native will serve as an active-duty field artillery officer stationed at Fort Drum, 纽约, 有3rd 营6th 野战炮兵团,1st 旅级战斗队,10人th 山地师.

“为国家服务是我的目标,在我看来, 要做到这一点,最好的办法就是成为一名美国军官.S. 军队,”萨莱诺说. “I want to give back to a country that has given so much to my family, my friends and myself.”

Salerno’s responsibilities will include leading the field artillery branch and soldiers under his command. 他的职位要求他精通战术, 使用火力支援系统的技术和程序.

“野战炮兵是我的最爱. 我的首选, and I was fortunate enough to get the job I wanted due to the amount of work I put into my ROTC training, 在过去的四年里,我在萨斯奎哈纳得到了上级官员的支持,萨莱诺说. “For the next four years I will — with utmost enthusiasm — fulfill my active-duty commitment to the United States 军队.”

Salerno,他获得了文学学士学位 通信, has not yet decided if he will remain with the military after his four-year commitment is up, 但他正在考虑.

“如果我能利用这次机会发展事业的话, I plan on maximizing what I can learn and how I can usefully contribute by attending all the specialty training I can absorb,他说. “我希望有一天, 我很幸运能成为连长, 负责我自己的部门.”

Salerno said he would also consider a career in law enforcement or in medical service as he has served on his local EMS squad and as a lifeguard. He credits Susquehanna and the activities he’s been active in here — men’s rugby and Tau Kappa Epsilon, for which he served on the executive board — for instilling him with the leadership skills he will rely on in the U.S. 军队.

“苏大让我不断努力学习. 对于我的成功,我欠Susquehanna,我在SU的朋友和我的家人最衷心的感谢. 现在, 我对我的技能充满信心,我可以支持, 建议和指导我所负责的士兵尽我最大的能力,萨莱诺说. “我相信我会成为军队和美国需要我成为的领袖, 但更重要的是, 成为一个他们可以信赖的领导者, 信任与尊重.”

米凯拉·波佐·卡斯特罗 stands with her cooperating teacher, Ryan McHale, at Shikellamy High School. 米凯拉·波佐·卡斯特罗 stands with her cooperating teacher, Ryan McHale, at Shikellamy High School.数学专业期待教学事业

米凯拉·波佐·卡斯特罗 will begin her teaching career at Maritime Academy Charter School in Philadelphia — hopefully making math fun for her students.

“I know math is complicated for a lot of people so I want to make it easier and enjoyable for them,波佐·卡斯特罗说, 谁获得了学位 数学 专注于 中等教育. 波佐·卡斯特罗还辅修了 西班牙语研究.

作为罗伯特·诺伊斯教师奖学金的获得者, 博罗卡斯特罗, 德雷塞尔山, 宾西法尼亚, is required to complete two years of teaching in a high-need district for each year of grant support she received. 位于特拉华河畔,离费城港不远, Maritime Academy Charter School is a public charter school where students learn maritime content such as nautical 科学 and maritime business in addition to English, 数学, 科学, 社会研究和艺术.

波佐·卡斯特罗是在她和瓦莱丽·艾莉森认识的, 教育学副教授, 拜访了另一位苏诺伊斯Alumni, 卡罗琳·斯特德,20届, 那里的一个科学老师.

“I want to teach at MACS because of all the support they will give me as a first-year teacher,卡斯特罗说. “有一点不同,我非常喜欢小班教学. 这将有助于我提高我的教学和课堂管理技能.”



萨曼莎·巴尔萨莫,22岁 萨曼莎·巴尔萨莫,22岁双学位,工商管理硕士

萨曼莎·巴尔萨莫(Samantha Balsamo)将在进入职场的同时继续从事学术工作.

体育媒体 and advertising and marketing double major is one of 28 students who earned two bachelor’s degrees. She will pursue her Master of Business Administration in management from Fairleigh Dickinson University, 蒂内克市, 新泽西, 同时,她还在纽约哥伦比亚广播公司/派拉蒙公司担任销售助理.

作为销售助理, Balsamo will support account executives in their work with advertising agencies in the Network Sales department.

“我不仅能学会如何处理与同事的关系, 未来的经理和其他队友, 我还将继续学习商业世界的来龙去脉,巴尔萨莫说. “这些知识可以立即使用,并帮助我进一步发展我的事业.”

这就是为什么巴萨莫, 东不伦瑞克, 新泽西, 选择了同时进入职场和攻读MBA. 巴尔萨莫的职业轨迹与她的学生实习是同步的, which included two with NBC Universal — one of which had her working remotely with NBC’s 体育媒体 division during the Tokyo Olympics.

“萨斯奎哈纳给了我一个不受限制地追逐梦想的机会. 的 professors and mentors I have gained are unimaginable and they constantly pushed me to reach new heights,巴尔萨莫说. “萨斯奎哈纳不仅让我成为一个更坚强的人, 学生和专业人士, 但也为我提供了从开始到结束支持我的朋友.”

德文·图尔22年 德文·图尔22年创意写作 毕业生留在州立大学

Devonne Tourre won’t need to go far to begin his professional career — he’ll be staying at Susquehanna as an operations coordinator to assist Facilities Management and Residence Life with projects that directly help students live more comfortably in their residence halls.

Tourre said he will handle anything from installing furniture or appliances in residence hall common areas to arranging for the painting of rooms, 校园里的走廊和公共区域. 他还将负责与学生的宿舍生活沟通, 他作为学生雇员已经积累了经验吗.

“Using the skills that I’ve acquired over the past three years I’ve been involved with Residence Life, I will be able to add more to their conversations having gone through the ‘student experience’ and being able to relate to that in a unique way,图尔说.

Tourre还将继续协调运营助理项目, 他还是苏大学生时就建立的.

“I describe the Operations Assistants Program as a welcoming task force meant to act as helping hands to many different departments and staff on campus,图尔解释道. “美洲国家组织是来帮忙的!”

Simply put, Tourre said he wants to continue supporting the community he came to love.

“我很高兴我能真正地把州立大学称为家, 我爱这里所有的教职工, 我接触过的员工和学生,他说.


