
By Angela Burrows

Susquehanna’s exceptional London program, offered through the university’s Sigmund Weis School of Business (SWSB), became even more robust this fall with the addition of London internships for all students. Current and future students enrolled in the London Program will now complete a 10-week internship in addition to their coursework.

The integration of an internship into the already strong, semester-long London Program means that beginning with the current junior class, about a third of the business school’s students will have completed an international internship by the time they graduate. The school has long had students interning in various parts of the world, but the London internship requirement bolsters the international exposure the school provides its students at a time when global experiences are increasingly important, according to the school’s leadership.

“This is incredibly exciting,” says Interim Dean 马修Rousu. “The London internships represent the fruits of a lot of effort by many people over the years.” Started in 1995 by the late emeritus faculty member 比尔病房, the London Program was a forerunner for Susquehanna’s Global Opportunities (GO) initiative, which began in 2009. One of only a handful of schools to require all students to study away, Susquehanna has garnered increasing national recognition for the GO program.

Rousu, also a professor of economics, served as faculty coordinator for the London program in spring 2012, spending a semester with students learning about British and European business, as well as British history and theatre. Enrolled students also participated in a seminar that involved field trips to other parts of Europe, 包括布拉格, where they presented recommendations to Czech companies that served as the students’ first consulting clients.

“I saw firsthand how meaningful [the program] was for students. The internships and the increased opportunity they provide for cultural immersion will further enrich the London experience. The students are serving in professional roles, working with British co-workers, and may have an opportunity to socialize with them, which is fantastic,鲁苏说.