40 choices for a study abroad semester

We’ve got a program to match almost every study abroad interest! 有十多个学期的海外学习项目直接通过GO办公室和其他办公室提供 28 programs 在非洲、亚洲、欧洲和大洋洲获得了萨斯奎汉纳信贷.

GO Long

  • Semester-long experience
  • Study at a host university or center
  • Courses can fulfill Susquehanna degree requirements
  • Applying a year in advance is required
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SU in Chester

在切斯特大学学习期间获得国际商务实习机会, one of England’s oldest universities.

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SU in China


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SU in Cyprus


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SU in Ireland


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SU in Japan


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SU in Liverpool

With more than 50,000 students studying in Liverpool, 在你的海外学习期间,有很多东西可以看,也有很多事情可以做.

  • 从拉恩河看马尔堡城与城堡

SU in Marburg

Spend the semester at Philipps University in the heart of Germany.

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SU in Melbourne

Live and study for a semester in the city of Melbourne, 澳大利亚的文化中心,被选为最适合居住的城市之一.

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SU in the Netherlands

Experience a blend of ancient and modern sights during a semester in Maastricht, an important Dutch cultural hub.

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SU in New Zealand

在汉密尔顿的一个学期中,亲身体验新西兰和土著文化的融合, New Zealand’s largest inland city.

  • Aerial view of Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

SU in Queensland

Spend the semester on the Northern coast of Australia at a top-ranked university.

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SU in Prague

Spend a semester studying in Prague, 这是一座价格低廉的中欧城市,是前往欧洲大陆其他地方的便捷通道.

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SU in Scotland

During your study abroad semester, you’ll find much to explore in Stirling, including awe-inspiring landscapes, museums and cathedrals.

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SU in Washington, D.C.

Spend a semester in Washington, D.C.在首都的风景和声音中完成实习.

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SWSB London Program


And More

查看已经批准的浩博体育app非洲学分的额外出国留学机会, Asia, Australia, Europe and Latin America.

  • Experience for the Future

    “This cultural experience has impacted how I view my current living situation as well as my future goals and aspirations.”

    “It now seems foolish to think that I could be content without exploring more. 我很感谢Susquehanna大学的留学要求,鼓励学生们走出自己的舒适区,获得文化意识.” — Allyson Ennis ’23, GO Short Iceland participant

    Image of Allyson Ennis '23 in Iceland.
  • More Approved Programs

    Don’t see what you’re looking for? Pick from around 40 approved programs across the globe.

    Learn More

  • One Second From India  

    Communications major Rachel Marstellar documented her semester abroad in India through video.

    “I have almost mastered both the currency exchange and public transportation, and eating with only my right hand is a little less embarrassing than when I arrived,” she said during her semester in India.

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